Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I have been most remiss about updating this blog, which is strange since there has been so much to mention. The Hubs and I went to see Inherit The Wind at the Old Vic,the next morning we were up at five or so to drive to Champagne with Kami and AGL, since we've been back it's been Thanksgiving, which means a disproportionate level of weight gain. All that and the 'taches are gone. Much as I love Movember as a concept, the results are so often horrendous. Having said that, I don't remember seeing as many questionable mostaches on the tube this year (although looking around me now, I do see a few freshly shaved faces). Perhaps there has been less take up? Movember would be a great thing for celebrities to endorse. Brad Pitt is already pretty much there, but wouldn't it be fun if Jay Z, Zac Efron, Lady Gaga (allegedly could be able to) and Robert Pattinson were to gun for growth?

Speaking of R-Patz, I also managed to see New Moon (I refuse to refer to it by the ostentatious official title). Twice. The first time was with AGL and her latest crazy-fun friends (as opposed to crazy like a killer), RiRi and Kelly. There was squealing, breaths of "mmm" and some exclamations of outrage, I'll admit it. We were the least sober people in the theatre, having persuaded the staff at the Apollo to bring the ice bucket in for us. We were also, admittedly, the most likely to have acted that way sober. I've heard such mixed reviews on New Moon, which surprises me. The book was so exceptionally annoying that I can't imagine that expectations of the storyline were high (the next two books were vastly superior). In fact, I actually thought the film was much better than the book. Kristin Stewart sort of acted, Taylor Lautner was good, Charlie and the rest of the cast got semi decent airtime. Don't get me wrong though, there is plenty annoying about it. Kristin Stewart's random breathing is still confunding, she appears to have lost fifty pounds and wears a moonstone on her index finger which is really distracting. Robert Pattinson still doesn't do it for me, which is fine and my problem, but he especially didn't do it for me because I am convinced he was styled ugly. Value your merchandise-buying fanbase makeup people! I know he's going through some self inflicted suffering and therefore has crazy bags under his eyes, must be the ninety sleepless years he had catching up with him. Plus why didn't anyone give him a protein shake? Did they mean for him to look like Christian Bale in the Machinist when he got his shirt off? After an hour of the werewolf hotness?

Oh, and Alice's vision was cloying. I know we burst into peals of laughter, but I'm not sure that was the intention of the scene. In anticipation of the next two (well, it's bound to be three) movies, I am mad that they recast Victoria for Eclipse. Not to mention the tackiest CGI since Ghostbusters. Still, what does it matter when you're bigger than Heroin?

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