Monday, February 08, 2010

Life's Mysteries

Tonight over dinner my thoughts strayed to those things that had been confounding me for some time. Not the randomness that is the prestige associated with air flown lobsters - after all, they are alive. What's the difference between being air flown or pedaloed? No, the thing that I'm most confused by (as between 2009 and 2010) is why Pride & Prejudice has become the mainstream book of choice.

For example - in Twilight, Bella is constantly referencing the book. Then in the Vampire Diaries the overly skinny girl who is a miniature Katie Holmes (and equally memorable on screen) borrows a copy of it from Stefan. This morning, I watched Bride & Prejudice, which made me think of Bridget Jones' Diary. Only natural, I suppose, since they are the same story. Then I stumbled across a celebrity project where Keira Knightley promotes reading in a picture brandishing a copy. It also gets quoted/misquoted in films from Wild Child to Be Kind Rewind. One of my favourite authors, Jasper Fforde, referenced it as well, in First Among Sequels.

I think it's time I added it to my reading list. Maybe I'm missing out.


Michelle said...

This is so not the right thing for a book person to say, but I like the BBC series better than the book.

JamTam said...

Is that because of the heaving bosums or the wet shirts?