Monday, February 28, 2011


I have been neglecting this blog lately and thought I’d use the excuse of the Resident Froggie asking for my (ridiculously easy) yorkshire pudding recipe to put something up.

The recipe goes like this:
Hot hot hot oven, I tend to max out my little campervan oven, then turn it down to 180c when the magic needs to happen
2 eggs
300ml of the most fattening milk you can find
Pinch of salt
Heat up some kind of animal fat in the dish. I try to make this so it’s about 2mm deep and tend to use the grease I get off the roast, or from the decimation of streaky bacon.

Pour in batter and bake.

I have found that this works best if the pan is metal and the fat copious. They freeze fairly well, ready for those emergency roast-in-a-sandwich needs.

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