Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 6: Alien is petit pois sized

According to the web, which I used to trust implicitly, it's making what will "eventually become one adorable face". Sadly, that statement has destroyed that trust. I'm pretty convinced the alien is not going to have an adorable face. In fact, based on how dopey and exhausted I've been, I'd say it's getting the Hubs' nose, which is not adorable.

What else does the net tell me? "The pregnancy hormone hCG is causing an increase of blood flow to your pelvic area, and your kidneys are becoming more efficient at ridding your body of waste". Well, I suppose that explains having to get up every hour between 7pm and 10am on Tuesday night to puke (and worse) my guts out. I lost five pounds though, which was great. Unfortunately, the second I could eat again, I absolutely murdered a Sausage McMuffin meal. I learnt something new about HK that morning. McDonalds is greasy, like in disgusting greasy, here. Ah well. I had a couple of pou

The fear is not getting any better, though I'm starting to wise up to evolution's tricks. This shenanigans is teaching me (or attempting to) patience, coping with not having any control or power, living with fear and constant exhaustion. No wonder my parents didn't like me.

Speaking of not liking, I'm starting to really not like the Hubs these days. No wonder the movies (my other infallible source of knowledge) show women screaming abuse at fathers in the delivery room. I don't think I need to wait that long. What a sweet fucking ride men get.

Status: Pregnancy is not bliss. Annoyingly, I can no longer find the 20 year record book on sale. I was feeling so inspired by AS Byatt as well.

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