Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 9: Turning into an olive...

... I hope the Brindisa-style Gordal olive, stuffed with orange, slathered in olive oil and with a sprinkling of sea salt.

Do I sound hungry? That's because I sort of am. Starving, actually. Only when I get to the food places, I don't want anything. When I try to eat things, I fill up and get nauseous. A little bit like when one of my eyebrows fell off and the other remained bushy, I feel like someone out there has a twisted sense of humour.

I've previously thought that pregnancy is a parenting crash-course, teaching me to live with a lack of control and constant fear. I guess this must be chapter three - dealing with inconsistency.

So far my theory of everything in moderation (apart from maybe air travel) seems to be working well. A colleague of mine who is pretty far along hasn't eaten any chocolate for months, because it has caffeine. This strikes me as ridiculous. In a time where you allegedly shouldn't be eating anything or drinking very much, that level of deprivation strikes me as depraved.

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